Mojipic Voice-Controlled Emoji Car Display

Posted: May 31, 2019
$59 - $79
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Mojipic is a voice-controlled emoji car display. Brothers Ilya and Igor Pashko designed the bumper sticker and decal alternative for drivers who don't just have something, but a lot of things, to say. You can change your Mojipic message anytime, instantly, and without even taking your eyes off the road and hands off the wheel, since the display is compatible with Siri and Google Assistant.

Maybe during the first part of your commute you want to show your support for your favorite team - they just made the playoffs. Then when you hit traffic, it's time to switch over to a logo advertising your business. Finally out of gridlock, you decide to light up and LED emoji of how you're feeling today (Deapool face for me). And then, as you head off the highway onto the arterial, you realize you've got no choice but to inform the F'er in the Dodge Ram tailgating you of all the different things he can shove up his ass ("Hey Siri, set Mojipic to Banana." "Hey Siri, set Mojipic to Cold Dill Pickle." "Hey Siri....")

Mojipic displays your selected / voice commanded 3D GIFs, emojis, sports team logos, or custom logos and QR codes you upload. You can even draw your own art to add, and use the Mojipic app to create drawings, images, or animated GIFs in real time.

The Mojipic device has a hinged mount that suction cups to your desired car window (or any glass window). Once connected to the Mojipic app you'll have access to a library of 1,500+ emojis, GIFs, and custom drawings to send to the LED display. In addition to the full gamut of emojis in circulation, all major baseball, NFL, NBA, and soccer teams are included, as are country flags and national symbols.

Mojipic also has the capacity to amuse passengers with a selection of pre-installed 8-bit games, such as Tetris and Snake.

At printing, Mojipic was in prototype stages, and seeking crowdfunding on IndieGoGo. So, backer beware. But if you're interested in owning your own voice-controlled rear window display, Mojipic isn't insanely expensive and, as with all crowdfunding projects, you have about a 50% chance of receiving it something in the next 3 years in exchange for your pledge.

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