Dude's 2022 Holiday Gift Guides
Dude's 2022 Holiday Gift Guides mimic the days of Christmas this year - you know, there are 12 of them, dudes. Most are your standard fare of Gifts for Men, Gifts for Women, Gifts for Dad, Gifts for Mom, Stocking Stuffers, et. al. But those of you who who come 'round here often know I couldn't leave it at that. Couldn't leave it so vanilla.
So for those of you who enjoy your ice cream with nuts, candy chunks, bubblegum, pretzels, caramel, and fruity swirls...all mixed in together, I've also got guides to Unique & Quirky Gifts, Gifts for Women You Haven't Been Dating Very Long, Gifts for People with Social Anxiety, and, my yearly favorite, Nice Gifts for the Naughty.
24 Dude-Approved Gifts for Men in 2022
Oh, man, has the Dude got some approved gifts for you. Not just a dozen, and not just two dozen of them...oh, wait. How many is two dozen? 24? Right, then. The Dude has exactly two dozen approved gift ideas for men this holiday season.
I would also be willing to approve them for any other season you're gift hunting for a guy who has yet to own a dude-approved gift for men.
Note: All 24 gifts for men in 2022 are priced as they were at printing on November 28, 2022. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
19 Dude-Approved Gifts for Women in 2022
When it comes to your women, your ladies, your girls, your honeys, and your boos, dude. The Dude's got you. Ladies shopping for women, ladies, girls, honeys, and boos...dude. The Dude's got you too. Here are 19 Dude-approved gifts for women in 2022.
Note: All 19 gifts for women are priced as they were at printing on November 29, 2022. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
18 Nice Gifts for the Naughty (NSFW)
And by "nice gifts," I mean "sexy gifts," and by "naughty," I mean...you and yours, dudes and ladies! All of yours. Some assless yoga pants for your girlfriend. A spiraling male masturbator for your single brother. A couples' sex toy advent calendar for partners to share. A book on Masturbation for All Genders & Abilities for the awkward teens. There's even a nice pair of plastic clogs for dad.
What's sexy about plastic clogs? Nothing at all, but they're made from recycled sex toys.
Oh, and they're basically the color of semen.
Note: All 18 nice gifts for the naughty are priced as they were at printing on November 30, 2022. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
22 Gifts for $50 or Less in 2022
I was going to do a writeup of 22 gifts for $25 or less in 2022, but, you know. Inflation. Still, I'd say about half of those I've included here will cash you out of your shopping cart for under the $25 mark, and none of them will make you seem cheap to your recipient.
Note: All 22 gifts for $50 or less are priced as they were at printing on November 25, 2022. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
21 Mom-Approved Gifts for Dad in 2022
These 21 gifts for Dad are Mom-approved because Mom picks out all Dad's clothes, and tells him what he likes, and tells him what he's allowed to have, and throws out anything she finds that she doesn't want him to have anyway.
Haha, that was a joke! A Dad joke!
Really this is just a collection of great gifts for Dad this holiday season, but I'm sure Mom would approve. And I'm also sure Dad will try to make a joke about most of them.
Note: All 21 gifts for Dad are priced as they were at printing on December 1, 2022. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
18 Mama-Approved Gifts for Mom in 2022
When I call these 18 gifts for mom "mama-approved," I really mean "my-mama-approved," because my mama is the only mama I consulted before compiling my gift guide. I considered asking my mother-in-law and my Aunt Jan too, but decided not to because if they told me what they think are good gifts for moms, they'd probably also expect me to buy them one, and there is no way I'm doing that, because I don't really like either one of them.
So. Here are 18 mama-approved gifts for my mama, and your mama, and any other top notch mamas you know out there. And for all the crappy ones like my MIL and Aunt Jan, may I recommend one of these fine candles?
Note: All 18 mama-approved gifts are priced as they were at printing on November 30, 2022. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
16 Unique & Quirky Gifts for 2022
The 16 unique & quirky gifts are not one of a kind, but they're still unique in their ability to delight, excite, and stand out from the pile of gifts your favorite nephew will receive from all his other relatives, or that your crush will receive from all her other suitors.
And they're not quirky as in, "Hmmm, let me find a nice way to say, 'That's weird and somewhat disturbing, I don't want it,' but quirky as in, "Awww, sweet! I didn't know they made a Banana Phone or a custom stuffed replica of my sheepadoodle before now, but boy am I glad they do, and boy am I glad you gave me one!"
So, yeah. When I say these are 16 unique & quirky gifts for 2022, I mean it only in the best of ways. Enjoy.
Note: Unique & quirky gift prices are marked as they were at printing on December 5, 2022. Prices, and availability, are subject to change.
15 Stocking Stuffers for Men in 2022
Dudes will gladly let you sock 'em and stuff 'em if you're doing it with one of these 15 fine stocking stuffers for men. ... But if you're doing it with the Mini Knife Set shown above, they may want to stand back. Just to be on the safe side, in case you suddenly remember they slept with one of your exes, or ate the last piece of Red Velvet Cake on Christmas Eve, as you're completely the stuffing of their stocking.
Note: Stocking stuffer gift prices are marked as they were at printing on December 8, 2022. Prices, and availability, are subject to change.
15 Stocking Stuffers for Women in 2022
Here's some stuff for stuffing in ladies' stockings. And don't worry, none of it is a severed leg. ... Ha! Haha! The Dude made a Dad joke! The corny, slightly off-color, and borderline nonsensical kind. The best kind!
If there are any dads out there in search of stocking stuffers for their wives, that joke, along with the rest of this list, is for you!
And to everyone else, I promise my 15 picks for stocking stuffers for women is much, much better than my humor.
Note: Stocking stuffer gift prices are marked as they were at printing on December 9, 2022. Prices, and availability, are subject to change.
17 Gifts for the Random People at the End of Your List
Some of these 17 gifts for the random people at the end of your list are practical. Useful. Bland and universal - you could gift them to anyone. And other are...let's just say as random as the randos who will be receiving them.
The annoying coworker you drew for Secret Santa.
Your 3rd cousin, who's coming to Christmas this year because...you have no frikkin' clue, but your mama wouldn't just tell her no.
The UPS driver your dog humps every time he sees him.
Your kid's English teacher who she really wants to get a gift for, but...doesn't want to do any of the work involved in picking out and buying said gift.
Note: Random people gift prices are marked as they were at printing on December 15, 2022. Prices, and availability, are subject to change.
16 Gifts for Women You Haven't Been Dating Very Long
Here are 16 gifts for women you dudes haven't been dating very long...but still kinda, sorta feel like you should buy a Christmas present for. I'd say it's good stuff for the 1- to 3-month range of the relationship, a time when you want something nice, but, more importantly, something she won't read too far into. Nothing too expensive, either, in case you break up after meeting her family, or things fizzle out after the New Year.
I got your backs, dudes, and I got your gifts for women you haven't been dating very long covered. Enjoy.
All 16 gifts that follow are priced as they were at printing on December 1, 2022. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
20 White Elephant Gifts for 2022
Let the stealing begin! My 20 white elephant gifts for 2022 include many a snatch-worthy piece of swag. I myself believe the highlight of the collection is the 2023 Cat Balls Calendar, which should tes-tickle the whole room, and drive everyone nuts trying to seize it to stuff in their own scrotum...uh, I mean Santa...sack.
Note: All 20 white elephant gifts are priced as they were at printing on November 27, 2022. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
12 Gifts for People with Social Anxiety
12 gifts for people with social anxiety - it's kind of tongue-in-cheek in name, but...these are mostly legit products to help people with social anxiety. Or anxiety in general. Or trouble sleeping, since they all seem to go together.
And the ones that aren't legit social anxiety aids? They're legit champions of social anxiety's legitimacy.
Note: Social anxiety gift prices are marked as they were at printing on December 6, 2022. Prices, and availability, are subject to change.