May The 4th Be With You: 13 Star Wars Gifts for 2021
Star Wars Day has come again, and along with saying May the 4th be with you in 2021, I can also offer you this collection of 13 of the best Star Wars gifts the galaxy has afforded us in recent times. Hint: It's a lot of Grogu, aka The Child, aka the beloved Baby Yoda. Darth Vader and Chewbacca make brief appearances, as do stormtroopers and Star Wars universe fighting machines. Enjoy my picks for the best Star Wars gifts of 2021.
Note: Star Wars gifts are priced as they were at printing. Pricing, and availability, are subject to change.
Star Wars Face Masks
May the 4th be with you, and may the Rona be in a galaxy far, far away. This series of Star Wars face masks is from Ethical Addiction, made in honor of favorite franchise characters - from Chewbacca to Vader, Yoda (adult-size) to the Mandalorian - and in response to COVID health safety practices wise Jedis know aren't going away anytime soon.
The sock-style masks, which the kids in Ethical Addiction's homeland of Canada apparently call "buffees," are made of 70% rayon bamboo, 25% cotton, and 5% spandex. They are washable and, thanks to their natural bamboo threads, anti-microbial and moisture-wicking.
Star Wars Millennium Falcon Experience Bounce House
I see the Star Wars Millennium Falcon Experience bounce house, and so many ideas come to mind. Who needs a piece de resistance for their kid's Star Wars-themed birthday party? Who needs the ultimate accessory for working off their COVID weight? Who needs a way to burn off some of the anger bubbling up inside over how terrible The Rise of Skywalker was?
An officially licensed release from Magic Jump, the Star Wars Millennium Falcon Experience is a Star Wars gift to rival even the Rebel Bass Guitar (at least for those who have more energy in their legs than talent in their fingers). The inflatable spaceship is detailed in its graphic overlays, with an exterior covered in an application of the actual graphics of the Millennium Falcon's armored hull. Inside the bounce house you'll find various familiar faces and features from the Star Wars franchise, such as inflatable versions of Chewbacca and R2-D2, and C-3PO graphics.
Kenneth Cobonpue Star Wars Furniture Collection
Forget TIE Fighters, Kenneth Cobonpue is here to make loungers, not war. The award-winning Filipino furniture designer created his Star Wars collection as a reimagined universe where both the Dark Side and the Light come together to pimp out your home and office decor.
Chewbacca Operation Game
Welp, one look at the Star Wars Chewbacca Operation Game, and there's no doubt where Hasbro stands on the question of whether or not Chewie ate a Porg in The Last Jedi. Sure, they try to make it out like the "pesky critters" are just pulling at and playing with his fur, antagonizing a weary Wookiee who's trying to rest up after fixing the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive. Like the porgs keep getting lost in the dense follicular forest of Chewbacca, and your job is to pluck them out like lice. But we know the truth. Those porgs got swallowed live and whole, and your "operation" is to rescue them.
Baby Yoda Baby on Board Windshield Decal
On board, Baby Yoda is. And while the Baby Yoda drawn in this clever take on the Baby on Board windshield decals is nowhere near as adorable as The Mandalorian's actual Baby Yoda, I still appreciate the reference, and the application of this tiny beast that could melt a cold man's heart (maybe even brighten a wicked ex-girlfriend Karen's black one) to a product that I otherwise have no interest in.
Star Wars Parody Art Prints
Artists Bucket Art and Ashley Raine aren't the first Star Wars smarty pants to parody the franchise and immortalize characters ranging from Darth Vader and Stormtroopers to Chewbacca and R2-D2 in pieces of offbeat - and often compromising - art. But what makes these Star Wars parody prints stand out to me is their more classic artistic style, and the everyday tasks their artists have chosen for their galactic subjects to engage in.
They're all ridiculous within the context of our beloved Star Wars characters' personalities and lives, but also somehow fitting for us in our current times. Not to mention altogether charming, and terrific Star Wars gifts for franchise fans.
Star Wars Rugs
The perfect gift for the geek in the family (i.e., Dad) that won't offend the non-geeks (i.e., Mom), Star Wars Rugs come in about a dozen different stunning designs and color schemes featuring beloved characters, vehicles, and scenes from the movies. You can also Star Wars Rug your room out in a variety of sizes, and rectangular or round shapes available for each design.
LEGO Star Wars Sculptural Helmets
Hey kids, guess what time it is? LEGO time! Nope, not for you, son. This LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader Helmet is for those of us over 18. In fact, the whole series of LEGO Star Wars Sculptural Helmets, from Stormtrooper to Scout Trooper, with Boba Fett and a TIE Fighter Pilot joining Vader's empirical ranks in between, is for adults only. In other words, not you, me!
The Mandalorian The Child Chia Pet
Pinnacles of cuteness unite! The cutest being ever, The Mandalorian's The Child, has been incorporated into the cutest houseplant ever, the Chia Pet. My heart is on the verge of a warm, fuzzy explosion.
Rather than Chi-Chi-chi-chia-fying The Child himself, Chia Pet opted to nestle Baby Yoda in a soft basket of chia flora to comfort him as he awaits his next feeding. Here's hoping chia sprouts make good frog bait.
Puking Grogu Baby Yoda Toothpaste Topper
The Puking Grogu toothpaste topper will make adults, children, and pets alike dash to the bathroom for a good tooth brushing just to see their neon blue Colgate or Crest oozing out of Baby Yoda like his Nevarro cookies did on The Mandalorian. No Djarin maneuvering them through a...bumpy...dogfight with TIEs required to get Lil' G to upchuck here, though. He'll do it with a squeeze of the toothpaste tube, and you'll be minty fresh and cavity-free.
Darth Vader Meditation Chamber Desk Set
Darth Vader: Meditator. The Force meets the OM in this Darth Vader Meditation Chamber Desk Set, a Regal Robot design brainstormed and built custom for a client's studio, and based on the Dark Lord's meditation chamber in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.
Baby Yoda Infant Costume
A baby doesn't typically melt my heart. Baby Yoda does it every single damn time I see him. And a baby dressed in a Baby Yoda infant costume? Well...I don't know that it makes me want to get a baby of my own, but if someone - say, one of my wife's perpetually baby-making cousins - were to shove a baby in a crocheted Baby Yoda ears and gloves and feet set into my arms, I might not immediately say I have mouth herpes to get her to take it back.
Not immediately.
Pinhead Baby Yoda
Pinhead Baby Yoda, now that's a mashup both strange and disconcerting, yet also entirely representative of the past year. It's not really fair to Grogu, though. Sure, he has a voracious appetite, and occasionally eats others' babies, but he's mostly just good-natured, well-behaved, and adorable. Compared to most kids his age (er, apparent age) he's far from a hellraiser.