Monster Victory Trophies
Know what winners do? Winners beat their chests. They stomp the ground. They Rrrrawwwrr!. They...collect their sweet-ass Monster Victory Trophies depicting exactly what they look and feel like after such a triumph.
Oooh, engraved with the series name and season, if the Settlers of Catan League has enough left over from registration and Pringles snack fees to pay for it.
Decade Awards' Monster Victory Trophies come in 'roider-on-a-rampage styles for all kinds of popular team sports. Baseball, soccer, golf, football, basketball, even bowling. Hulking awards and their bases are made from a resin cast design, and painted bronze to enhance their formidable presence on your bookshelf.
Car dash mount.
Note: Monster Victory Trophy prices are approximate and listed as they were at printing. Prices are subject to change.
Universal Monster Victory Trophy
Here's where you can really get creative about who you give a raging, violent-looking beast to as an emblem of their excellence. This Monster Victor carries no distinguishing props, other than the gold-belted white track suit he's ripping from his body, and a giant letter "V" that appears to be scar-tattooed over his entire chest.
Decade Awards also sells this particular Monster Victory Trophy in 9-1/2"-tall Monster Master and 6-3/4"-tall Monster PeeWee.
Monster Soccer Trophy
FIFA's sparing no expenses this year. A gold and silver finish, 6.75" tall, and enough space for 3 lines of engraving!
Monster Baseball Trophy
Pretty soon, as doping continues to advance, the Monster Baseball Trophy will no longer be a caricature of our winning Little League players, but a sculpture made in their likeness.
Monster Golf Trophy
I wish more golfers looked like a zombified Dolf Lundgren on the course. It would sure make golf a helluva lot more interesting to watch. If Monster Golf Trophy won The Masters, I wonder what would be on his Champion Dinner menu the next year. Definitely something ... someone ... served bloody.
Monster Bowling Trophy
Bet Jesus Quintana has taken home a Monster Bowling Trophy or two. In fact, I bet the teeth-gnashing barbarian on the trophy is the one who taught him all his subtle and nuanced trash talk: Are you ready to be fucked, man?
Monster Basketball Trophy
The Monster Basketball Trophy isn't actually for the winner. It's for the spoil sport. The one who couldn't hit a shot if the basket were set at waist-height, so he just tears it down, takes his ball, and goes home.
He may not be the winner, but if no one else can play, they won't be either.
Monster Hockey Trophy
Finally. A Monster Victory Trophy that's actually representative of its sport's players and the way they play their game. I know whoever wins a Monster Hockey Trophy fought tooth (dentures) and nail for it.