Darth Vader and Son Figures
Ahhh, Darth Vader and Son. The must-have storybook for all dads forced to read their sons storybooks. Jeffrey Brown's re-envisioning of the Star Wars mythos speculates on how a galaxy far, far away might have looked if Darth Vader had been a good dad. And now Brown has teamed up with the artisans at Gentle Giant Studios and developed a set of figures to accompany this fine piece of narrative (actually, it's mostly pictures) and sit like a shrine to it on your nightstand. Uh, I mean your kid's nightstand.
The Dark Lord of the Sith and little peanut Luke have been cold-cast in Polystone and hand-numbered as part of this limited edition collectible. A bottom stamp and certificate of authenticity further solidify its legitimacy. Which, let's face it, is more proof than Luke and Leia really have.
Speaking of the Princess, Gentle Giant is also releasing a collectible figure modeled after Vader's Little Princess, Jeffrey Brown's complement to Darth Vader and Son, and guide to how girls can become Star Wars geeks from the youngest age possible. Check it out here.