Your Face Superhero Action Figure
- Womens Secret Wishes Green Lantern Uniform - $45.11
- Katniss Action Figure - $19.99
- The Watchman Sexy Silk Sceptre Costume - $35.76
- Wonder Woman Knee High Socks with Capes - $14.49
- French Bull Superhero Plates (4) - $27.90
I see your face on a wedding cake topper, and raise you your face on a Joker action figure. Have people always complimented your Batman-esque jawline? Admired your Superman benevolence? Bowed to your biting Joker wit? Had to ask you to repeat yourself for the third time because they were too enamored by your Wonder Woman legs to pay attention the first two? You're already a superhero...or a super now it's time to pursue the final rite of passage, dunk your head in the official baptismal of the Supe Club. It's time to get a mini-me.
The personalized superhero action figure process uses two photos of your sexy mug--a front-facing and a profile view--to create a toy-sized noggin 3D printed with your mirror image. Eye color, skin tone, and hairstyle and color will be matched and molded as precisely as the right and left sides of Superman's 6-pack, and then shipped to you for official coronation. To complete the transformation from unassuming IT account manager to 6.7" abolisher of evil, simply pop off the existing head of your desired superhero, and replace it with your own. Replacement can be permanent or temporary, and if you find similarly sized Green Lantern or Captain America action figures you'd like to experiment with personifying, your little neck bulb will likely fit on their bodies too.
Superhero choices at order placement are Batman, Superman, The Joker, Wonder Woman, and Batgirl. All come with plinths so they can be adequately displayed on your desk at work, and so they can stand up to pee like real men. The facial cloning process typically takes a couple of weeks to complete and ship.