100 First Words for Little Geeks

Posted: December 30, 2018
100 First Words for Little Geeks
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Any geeks out there planning to have a New Year's baby this year? Any geeks out there planning to make a New Year's baby this year? 100 First Words for Little Geeks is an alphabet book for the progeny of the Potterheads. The tykes of the Trekkies. The newest members of the nerd herd.

Printed as a board book with as many colorful illustrations as terms to indoctrinate baby geeks into their culture 100 First Words for Little Geeks trades out "apple" and "dog" for the more pertinent "gigawatt" and "fleet," "mutant" and "truffle shuffle." If you need a gift for a geek who's a new parent or expecting, 100 First Words for Little Geeks could be the One book to rule them all.

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