Die Hard Advent Calendar

Yippee Ki Yay, motherfu- uh...dudes, it's a Die Hard Advent Calendar! Leatherhead Laser Work even laser-cut his clever, original countdown design to depict one of the best scenes in the movie: Hans Gruber plummeting to his death from the top of Nakatomi Plaza. Ahhh, really gives you the Christmas feels, doesn't it?
The Die Hard / Hans Gruber Advent Calendar comes in unfinished wood and midnight black acrylic editions, each with a Gruber cutout that descends - right side up or upside down - 25 stories of the Nakatomi high-rise. Granted, it's a slow, gravity-defying descent that will take most of December before he goes SPLAT! but maybe a long and drawn-out death is the kind he deserves for his sins. Even better, Jesus won't even be around to forgive them at the last second, because he'll be too busy sprucing his beard, getting a Farrah Fawcett blowout, and pre-funking for his birthday party.
The Die Hard Advent Calendar is maybe the perfect gift for anyone who believes Die Hard is the best Christmas movie ever. Which should be everyone, but I guess there are still some Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation and, barf, It's a Wonderful Life holdouts out there, so best to check before proceeding with your advent calendar gift shopping this year.