Bill Murray Coloring Book

Posted: July 07, 2012
Bill Murray Coloring Book
Check It Out

Up to this point Bill Murray has probably been wondering if he'd ever truly make it in Hollywood. I mean, three seasons of SNL, a few decent films, one of the worst, yet most recognizable, heads of hair on the planet...I don't know. I could see how he might feel underachieved in his self-reflective moments. Especially when he compares himself to the dude who played Egon alongside him in Ghostbusters, which, against the better advice of his life coach, he most certainly does with disturbing regularity. Poor Bill Murray. Well, poor Bill Murray until mid- to late-July 2012 anyway. That's when Thrill Murray, Carl Spackler's very own coloring book, and what will most certainly be his career's greatest coup, begins shipping.

Grab your Crayolas and get ready to infill Bill posing in scenes from his most iconic works. Lost in Translation, Caddyshack, Zombieland, Kingpin, OK, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou somehow sneaked in there too, but probably just because of the world's inexplicable fascination with beanies. Page after page of black ink lines mosey and meander into 1,000-word explosions of Bill Murray's unparalleled grandness. A grandness that I hope eases his career insecurities and self-doubt, and helps him to realize that we really do love him. Almost as much as Steve Guttenberg.

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