DnD Dice Jail - Time Out Chair & Dunce Hat

- The Dungeonmeister Cookbook - $15.89
- Haxtec Metal DND Dice Set - $17.99
- Chainmail D&D Dice Bag - $16.99
- Haxtec Dragon Dice Jail - $39.99
"Punish those pesky dice! They will learn their lesson fast enough on the chair of shame!" I couldn't agree more, DnD Dice Jail. In fact, I have always been an advocate of the time out chair and dunce hat. I think we should bring it back to the classroom. Public humiliation is a terrific form of punishment. Non-violent punishment, unlike knuckle-wrapping and ear-boxing, and effective punishment, unlike suspension and saying, "Hey, buddy, can you please stop playing explicit rap at full volume in the middle of math class?" It's...it's...nah, I know. It's pretty mean too, and will likely give the kids mental health issues.
But your Dungeons & Dragons dice? Screw them, those assholes. If they don't shape up after a round in Dice Jail, an anxiety disorder and depression will be the least of their worries!
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