Flat Pack Cardboard Foosball Table

Posted: July 22, 2014
Flat Pack Cardboard Foosball Table
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It even has cup holders for beer and an amplifier for your smartphone! Try not to knock over that bottle of IPA, and say it, don't spray it when things get exciting/intense/on the verge of a foosball fist fight though. This table o' hands-allowed soccer is made of cardboard.

Though it arrives packed flat the Cardboard Foosball Table unfolds and rises into a full-on, regulation-sized game room necessity. It's even made from 100% sustainable raw materials, some of which will include my friend Cornelius' blood and teeth if he continues to lift the table to tilt its little wooden ball towards my goal during play. Foosball at a fraction of the price probably still requires the same amount of assembly effort, but at least this version needs no glue, screws, or tools to complete the task. For portability or transfer to the basement when your mama is having the Garden Club over and wants you to "get that damn thing out of the living room!", the Cardboard Foosball Table also folds back down to its original flat-packed state.

Firebox deems the poor man's foosball setup "sturdy and stylish". I deem it a poor man's foosball setup. Nothing wrong with that though. The flat pack set comes with: 1 x table; 1 x ball; and 2 x full blue and red teams, plus an extra player for each team. Total weight is about 20 pounds.

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