Foosball Coffee Table
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I prefer to use my coffee table to play old school Nintendo, but I understand there are some out there even older school than I am who are more down with using theirs to play foosball. By the way, to those under the age of 25, foosball is a non-electronic dual player game whose use doesn't require any sort of screen or internet connection. That's F'd, huh? Foosball is loosely based on the layout and rules of soccer. No, make that, foosball is based on the loose layout and rules of soccer. In the sense that during the 1.7 soccer games I've actually suffered through in my life (go Sounders!) I haven't been able to identify any rules aside from: don't touch the ball with your hands, and don't kick anyone in the nuts or the ref will give you a yellow Hallmark card.
The foosball coffee table is made of solid hardwoods and mugs an aesthetic design that, happily for the women who will have to put up with its purchase, won't completely white trash up a room like the pissing table. All detailing is hand-carved, and ball-swatting men hand-painted. Measurements are 47-5/8" long x 28" wide x 20" high. It weighs 75 pounds, which will probably deter players from dumping it over in angry defeat, but the glass top remains susceptible to pounding fists and head butts. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.