Game of Thrones Tarot Cards

Posted: July 19, 2018
Game of Thrones Tarot Cards
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When I saw this Game of Thrones tarot card set I instantly thought, Gift for my wife! Gift for your girlfriend! And also, Huh. Are there any male tarot card readers? It's always women I see hunched over some Three of Cups and Lovers, doling out the predictions, the reassurances, and the warnings. I mean, like, in movies and books anyway. I don't know much about tarot card readers in real life. I don't need to, I already know my future.

It's so bright, I gotta wear shades.

The Game of Thrones twist on this 78-card tarot deck sees the occult rendered as archetypes from the television series. Now icons of pop culture, characters and scenes from the past 7 seasons of Game of Thrones take on the roles of Major Arcana, Cups, Coins, Spears, and...I don't see it in the images available, but Ned Stark has got to be the Hanged Man.

Game of Thrones Tarot comes with a hardcover guidebook to help you learn how to read them and figure out what's going to happen on Season 8.

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