Popdarts Suction Cup Throwing Game

While the concept and look of the Popdarts suction cup throwing game looks fun 'n' festive, the #1 question I have after reviewing Popdarts photos and literature is: why is that one dude in the lifestyle shot of friends playing Popdarts in the kitchen wearing a panda bear head? Is he trying to hide his identity? Is that his way of "masking up" in group settings? Is he demonstrating that he parties like a panda - i.e., lazes in the background doing nothing, ignoring everyone around him, loath to move unless it's to eat some free food and drink some free drinks, doesn't even like sex that much....
But after that, the #2 question I have about Popdarts is: who wants to play some Popdarts?
Designed as a pointy darts alternative, Popdarts is suitable for play indoors or out, anywhere you have a smooth surface for the suction cups to stick to. Think countertops, refrigerators, windows, glass doors or tabletops, car windshields, your father-in-law's bald head.... Rather than sticking to a bullseye and its environs, Popdarts stick to the playing surface you select, with points awarded based on how close you get to the Popdart Target Marker.
During scoring, 3 points are awarded to the Popdart closest to the Target Marker, and 1 point to any other Popdart that sticks. Then, like in cornhole, apply cancellation math to determine a net score for the round. For example, if the blue team scores 5 and the green team 3, the blue team gets 2 points. First team to 21 wins the game of Popdarts. What's the prize? That's your choice, but I think the obvious contenders are Boom Chicka Pop and Pop-Tarts.
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