Puzzle Pod - Cryptex Packaging
What better way to enjoy giving a gift as much as receiving one than to present it to its recipient in a Puzzle Pod? For this DaVinci Code-style cryptex, which must be solved before the goods inside are accessible, will likely return hours of: chuckles at first sight and realization that the quest to code-crack the giver's choice of 5-letter words is on; 6 to 12 minutes of giddy fun testing and turning the Puzzle Pod's rings; 2 to 3 minutes of gentle frustration, followed by another 2 to 3 minutes of polite requests just to reveal the correct combination; and 65 to 105 minutes of escalating irritation, culminating in throwing the cryptex at the giver's brand new 52" flat screen, and informing him that he should find somewhere else to sleep tonight.
And, of course, the Puzzle Pod's entertainment value only increases when the recipient is a small child, or the "gift" something the recipient already owns, such as a credit card or car keys.
In addition to ever-changing, user-set code possibilities, the Puzzle Pod also has features on the bottom that allow for its use as a coin and money bank. The glass bottle size can accommodate an array of items, including money, gift cards, jewelry, watches, event tickets, and small toys. Maker 4Thought Products LLC, and its brain baron, mechanical engineer Steve Small also suggest the Puzzle Pod for use as a unique cryptex container for those into geocaching.
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