Russian Roulette for Amateurs

Posted: May 02, 2012
Russian Roulette for Amateurs
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Since most of us would rather be wet than dead, this water balloon variation on Russian Roulette is likely to generate a bit more participation and enthusiasm as a try-your-luck party game than its bullet-based counterpart. Just fill one of the included balloons with water*, attach it to the gun's plastic ring mount, hold both breath and nose, and fire away. Whomever is up when the pin-loaded barrel strikes the precarious inflatable dam gets doused in equal parts H2O and humiliation. To the shrieking delight of those crowded around, now basking in the relief of not having been the one who slapped on the Poor SOB name tag today.

*Apparently, the Brits like 'em filled with air. And in the ear. Check out the video.

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