Glow in the Dark Yarn

Yep, Glow in the Dark Yarn and Little Green Knit Men go together like dudes and rugs, a TikTok influencer and sponsored videos, dropped ice cream cones and crying kids. But if I had a ball of Glow in the Dark Yarn, a trio of aliens isn't the first thing I'd (i.e., I'd get my mama to) make with it. Nope. I'd go for a stuffed knitted Baby Yoda and a knitted lightsaber.
No, wait! A Baby Yoda Infant Costume and a Lightsaber Willy Warmer! Both leveled up, courtesy of charged-up yarn that burns green when the lights go out.
Amigurumi has added Glow Yarn to their line of crochet and knitting materials to help you make "even more beautiful and surprising pieces!" The yarn looks whitish in the light, and needs to soak up around an hour of natural or artificial light to create the glowing effect in the dark. The latter lasts only around 15 minutes, but that's not necessarily a bad thing if you're trying to sleep, or using the yarn in a gift for kids who would otherwise get freaked out by a glowing teddy bear or doll coming for them in the middle of the night. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.