Joker Greeting Endless Mother's Day With Glitter Card

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Mother's Day 2019 is May 12. That's exactly 30 days away from today, which is just a slightly longer period of time than Joker Greeting's Endless Mother's Day Card is going to play the sound of a screaming baby when your mom opens it. And possibly a significantly shorter period of time than Mama's gonna to be ticked at you for giving her a prank card for Mother's Day.
Especially if she resorts to trying to smash the card and rip it open to stop the 3+ hours of baby howls, neither of which will work, but the latter of which will reveal an equally brilliant Endless Mother's Day Card trick: glitter. Filling all the nooks and crannies between the 2 sealed pieces of card stock is a mess of multi-colored heart sparkles just waiting to explode all over the woman who gave you life.
Speaking of which, an Endless Mother's Day Card could end up being the best prank you've pulled on Mom since those 36 hours of labor you put her through before giving in and popping out.