Star Wars Millennium Falcon Experience Bounce House

I see the Star Wars Millennium Falcon Experience bounce house, and so many ideas come to mind. Who needs a piece de resistance for their kid's Star Wars-themed birthday party? Who needs the ultimate accessory for their New Year's resolution to work out more? Who needs a way to burn off some of the anger bubbling up inside over how terrible The Rise of Skywalker was?
An officially licensed release from Magic Jump, the Star Wars Millennium Falcon Experience is a Star Wars gift to rival even the Rebel Bass Guitar (at least for those who have more energy in their legs than talent in their fingers). The inflatable spaceship is detailed in its graphic overlays, with an exterior covered in an application of the actual graphics of the Millennium Falcon's armored hull. Inside the bounce house you'll find various familiar faces and features from the Star Wars franchise, such as inflatable versions of Chewbacca and R2-D2, and C-3PO graphics.
Sounds like Han Solo is MIA, though, probably so anyone entering the blow-up Millennium Falcon can put themselves in the pilot role, possibly with a bikini-clad friend roleplaying Leia in tow for some real bouncy, bouncy in the bounce house.
The Star Wars Millennium Falcon Experience bounce house is 35' x 30' x 15' in size.