LEGO Typewriter

The LEGO Typewriter is here to tap-tap-tap out some n-o-s-t-a-l-g-i-a. Some M-a-d M-e-n s-t-y-l-e. Some g-i-f-t f-o-r D-a-d perfection. Created as an adult building kit with over 2,000 pieces, the LEGO Typewriter is a charming throwback to the 50s - and the fledgling days of the LEGO company itself - right down to its authentic touch keys and mint green color. It begs for desktop display at the office, or bookshelf prominence in the living room at home...presuming you can complete the model without giving up and firing off a nasty letter to LEGO.
You'll have to use your fancy computer and email for that, though, because while the LEGO Typewriter does feed in real sheets of paper, has keys that depress, and a carriage that moves from left to right as you punch them, it can't actually type.
Additional LEGO Typewriter things that make you go Awww include a black and red ink spool (a fabric element entirely new to the LEGOsphere) and keys with authentic printed characters rather than tedious stickers for you to apply. A letter from LEGO Chairman Kirk Kristiansen typed in 43 languages is also included with every LEGO Typewriter purchase.