Aerobie Sonic Fin 100-Yard Football

Posted: August 09, 2021
Aerobie Sonic Fin 100-Yard Football
Check It Out

The Aerobie Sonic Fin Football sees the Wingball's 88MPH throwing speeds, and offers up its own feat of foam football strength: a pro-level throwing distance of up to 100 yards. You know, like, Russell Wilson-style.

And, oh hey there, Russell Wilson. The quarterback with the arm of gold and the offensive line of invisibility just so happens to be (Sea)hawking the Sonic Fin Football for Aerobie.

Aerobie says an "innovative hollow gyroscopic design" is the key to the Sonic Fin Football's 100-yard traveling capabilities. Adjustable fins increase the ball's spin rate, and add to the average dude's ability to achieve perfect spirals and throw like a Super Bowl champ. Or chump, depending on how you feel about ol' Russell.

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