Fat Gripz Arm Builders
- Body Solid Bicep Bomber - $25.98
- Fat Gripz Extreme - $46.95
- TRX Suspension Trainer Kit - $189.95
- Expand-Your-Hand Bands - $17.95
- Manta Ray Barbell Neck Support - $44.95
Obviously the best thing to do if you want to be as strong and jacked as humanly possible is take a lot of steroids. But since steroids are expensive and mostly illegal and might make you talk like Mickey Mouse, an alternative is to eat large quantities of protein and lift heavy weights. It may also be worthwhile to test out some of the shiny new fitness accessories the 21st century keeps introducing. We've seen Bas Rutten's O2 Trainer. And the SISU War Hammer. Now we'll add Fat Gripz arm builders to the box of training toys guaranteed to garner you a podium at the gun show.
Fat Gripz are a pair of rubber-like cylinders that slide over barbells, dumbbells, pull-up bars, monkey bars, or car steering wheels to thicken them up. Many believe the use of thick-handled bars turbocharges upper body power and muscle development because they require more muscles in the hands, forearms, and upper arm areas to fire during gripping and prolonged holding processes. Fat Gripz replicate the effect of thick bars, but profess to be even better due to their versatility and ease of application. Relative to the cost of purchasing a complete line of thick-bar barbells, dumbbells, etc., they are also fairly cheap. The slip-on attachments clamp easily to their hosts, and claim to stay put without sliding or compressing during use.
Fat Gripz counts among its supporters fitness fiends ranging from US Special Forces members and UFC fighters to NFL teams and Crossfit competitors.
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