BooZi Alcohol & Wine Purifier

Wine? Whiskey? Tequila? Scapegrace Gin? BooZi it up to bid good riddance to 2020 with an alcohol and wine purifier its makers say will "make every drink taste amazing with no hangover!"
BooZi sticks are designed to remove alcohol impurities, including sulfites, many people associate with headaches, indigestion, nausea, and the onslaught of next-morning hangovers. According to BooZi it's the toxins in wine and liquor - toxins that are either carcinogens to begin with, or that become so when you metabolize them - that amp up your body's defenses, release histamines, and / or create allergic reactions. Any of these responses can manifest as your typical hangover symptoms.
Running a BooZi under warm water activates its toxin-absorbing potential, but you'll need to plan ahead to fully treat a bottle of wine or alcohol - Drop a BooZi in wine for 4 to 6 hours, and a bottle of liquor for 48 hours to complete the process. (Or use 2 BooZis to cut the time in half.) Each BooZi is reusable for up to 12 bottles of wine or 4 half-gallon bottles of hard alcohol.
And if you're wondering what BooZi's cleanup of your booze's bad stuff does to its good stuff, the taste, according to BooZi: it makes it better. Smoother and less bitter. Again, though, that's according ot BooZi. I haven't tried these hangover-banishing magic wands myself. But.
Years of research and getting older has taught me 2 other surefire ways to stamp out hangovers that don't require using a swizzle stick before drinking: 1) stop downing 2 bottles of 15% ABV California cab with dinner; and 2) Try not to follow a G&T with a Margarita with a Rum Punch with a coupla glasses of Pinot. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.