Scorzie - Scoreboard Koozie

Posted: June 07, 2012
Scorzie - Scoreboard Koozie

One fun thing to do while drinking is engage in games of low to moderate skill and athleticism. Likewise, one fun thing to do while engaging in such games is drink. Scorzie, then, is an obvious proponent of fun. A beer koozie-scoreboard enmeshment, the Scorzie's foam base and inner cylinder keep brews cool and hands dry, while its numerical, color-coded outer rings keep an honest tally of your unrivaled domination of the Summer 2012 Lawn Olympics.

Bocce Ball, Cornhole, beer pong, flip cup, that game with the ladder contraption and nunchuk balls, all sporting endeavors whose scores start getting as blurry as our vision 4 beers into the BBQ, now have an authoritative solution to a problem that has plagued history with innumerable threats, bar brawls and deaths by mace. Unlike chalk and human memory the Scorzie's 21-point rotating rings are precise, lasting, fair and resilient to bullshit. At last, the Koozie Nazi has arrived.

For those who prefer flexing different kinds of muscles, Scorzies will also keep track of non-physical pursuits, such as number of beers consumed, number of phone numbers received, and number of high-five-garnering applications of the phrase, "That's what she said."

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