IPA Beer Brittle
- Brew Candy - $10.00
- Smoke and Stout Caramel Exotic Candy Bar - $7.75
- Beer Beef Jerky - $9.99
- Righteous Felon Beef Jerky - $24.99
- Draft Beer Jelly Bellys - $6.65
Give your lady some fine truffles for Valentine's Day, and maybe she'll return the favor with a package of GoodHead flavored gel. Or, as a first runner up, Small Batch Brittle's IPA Beer Brittle.
Made in wee batches in Napa Valley, the gourmet beer brittle combines dark roasted sugar and butter with Spanish peanuts, a hint of salt, and a long swig of microbrewed IPA. Mmmm, sounds like an instant-win Super Bowl snack option on top of a through-the belly route to your favorite dude's heart.
Small Batch Brittle prides themselves on creating their hoppy candy without the help of conveyor belts, machines, or robots. They say each batch is "cooked with the customer in mind." Almost 300 Amazon samplers seem to agree--the award-winning brittle has an average of 4-1/2 stars and a George RR Martin-length novel of glowing reviews (even some written after 2011 and published as promised!)
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