Stuffed Puffs Chocolate Filled Marshmallows

Forget S'mores, in filling jumbo marshmallows with milk chocolate, Stuffed Puffs just brought my favorite childhood competition of seeing how many marshmallows I can stuff in my mouth without needing the Heimlich back into my life! Internet challenge, anyone?
The graham cracker- and campfire-ready Stuffed Puffs are the result of a "proprietary" manufacturing process that can't possibly be any more complicated than making Tootsie Roll Pops or Twinkies, so why haven't Stay Stuft-style choco-marshmallows been created before now? In addition to the euphoric signals the thought of them send to my brain, Stuffed Puffs give S'mores loyalists an option to buy one less ingredient and achieve better overall melting exposing the chocolate to direct heat. More importantly, Stuffed Puffs create less mess during the assembly process since the chocolate melts inside the marshmallows.
Of course, once you squish the tag team between a pair of graham crackers, you'll still probably end up with fingers ready for some lickin' good.