Carl the Drinking Chocolate Snowman

Carl, that's not snow, it's a pot of boiling milk. Yeah, Carl, I know it's pretty and white, but it's hot. Hot, Carl. And you're a chocolate snowman. Get near that thing and you'll...Carl! Carl, no! Car-Caaaarrrrllll!
Now here's a festive winter treat for you and the kids. For everyone who loves hot chocolate, and is OK with committing snowman homicide, Kate Weiser Chocolate brings you Carl the Drinking Chocolate Snowman. Each handsome Carl is made of a dark chocolate shell filled with hot cocoa mix (blood) and mini marshmallows (heart, lungs, liver, soul....)
All you need to do is heat up some milk on the stovetop, and then drop ol' Carl in after it comes to a simmer. He'll die melt lickety split, leaving behind a delicious pot of hot chocolate that would make Hannibal Lecter proud. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.