Edible Asian Forest Scorpion

- Edible Insects Bag of Mixed Edible Bugs - $13.99
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When I was growing up, pho and spicy tuna rolls were "weird Asian food." How far I've come that it now takes an edible Asian Forest Scorpion, dehydrated and packaged to ship!, to make me flinch.
A delicacy in northeast Thailand and other regions of southeast Asia, the Asian Forest Scorpion is a creepy crawler common to the area, but one of the few scorpion species known to be edible. Those distributor ecoEats seals up for consumption are sourced from farms that breed the little buggers exclusively as tasty human snacks.
ecoEats notes the farmed Forest Scorpions are fed diets of crickets, worms, and other farm-raised insects, so if you were hoping to munch on some of those bugs too, you're in luck! The scorpions' flavor profile might include hints of cricket shell and worm guts.
Edible Asian Forest Scorpions not whetting your appetite? I don't blame you. I'm more of an edible Zebra Tarantula guy myself.
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