Franklin's Finest Emergency Survival Coffee

Posted: December 21, 2015
Franklin's Finest Emergency Survival Coffee
Check It Out

I feel like I need Emergency Survival Coffee every morning, so I guess the only thing that sets Franklin's Finest apart from my standard cup of grocery store grind is semantics. They mean "real" emergency that requires "real" survival gear and goods, like a natural or manmade disaster, not just the emergency of waking up at 6 dead-as-a-dinosaur tired and unable to fathom how I'm going to put clothes on my body and survive another day at work. Also, Franklin's Finest has been freeze-dried to a guaranteed shelf life of 25 years, which I'm pretty sure is about 50 times longer Starbucks recommends shelving its Pike Place roast

Franklin's Finest calls the pictured 60-serving package of its coffee the "perfect trial size," I guess so you can test out whether or not these 100% pure gourmet Columbian coffee beans are the ones you want by your side in an apocalypse. To prepare, just add hot water or milk. The coffee's Mylar pouch is resealable.

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