Polaroid Z340 Instant/Digital Camera Hybrid
In America, more is more, and the best kind of gratification is instant. So it's no surprise that the infinite-snapshot capabilities of digital photography have hopped in the sack with the hard-copies-on-call trademark of Polaroid photos to produce this digital-instant print hybrid of a camera, the Polaroid Z340. With the flick of a switch, users can fluctuate between the immediate manifestation of yesteryear printouts, and the capture-and-caching of hundreds of 14 megapixel digital shots. Even better, the Z340 allows users to crop, color tweak, add borders to, and remove red eye from digital photos within the camera's interface, and then print the new-and-improved Polaroid. The camera is also compatible with SD cards, allowing for the uploading of customized borders, and printing of photos from other digital cameras. It takes video too. More is more, people.
The Polaroid Z340 uses ZINK paper, which is smudge-proof, water- and tear-resistant, and requires no time to dry. It is also less expensive than traditional instant film--an order of 30, 3" x 4" print sheets costs around $30 from Photojojo. Camera dimensions are 5" x 6" x 2.5"--not quite palm-sized, but certainly more portable than Grandma's Polaroid, and a lot less likely to slip out of your pocket while on the dance floor, or trying to flush the john with your stiletto.