Kano - Simple DIY Computer
Simple as LEGO, powered by Pi. The Raspberry techie kind, not the 3.14Infinity kind. Or the fruit kind for that matter, but a DIY mini computer powered by flaky-crusted dessert might be the one element to rocket launch Kano's popularity even farther into the cosmos. As it stands, the all-ages computing and coding kit has already surpassed its Kickstarter funding goal more than 8 times over. At printing, it still had 19 days left in its campaign.
Kano's overriding goal is to serve as a computer for all ages, all over the world. Small, easy to assemble and use, and relatively inexpensive, the London-based company envisions sending batches of Kanos to school kids everywhere in an effort to further their thriving in a world that they describe as 99% designed for a tech-literate 1%. With Kano, anyone can make games, gain experience in code, and--again according to the makers--"create the future."
Each Kano kit includes all of the tools and components needed to build:
- A computer, powered by Raspberry Pi
- Games such as Pong and Snake
- Music and sounds
- HD video
- A speaker
- Towers of dynamite...in Minecraft
- A wireless server
- A custom case, with stickers, decals, or any printed design
- Most Debian Linux packages
- A clone of Chuck Norris or Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman or pretty much anything else, because Kano is open source.
Kano will direct kids, adults, and your grandma how to assemble its parts--ranging from Kano OS and Levels on an 8GB SD card, a Raspberry Pi Model B, a Kano keyboard, and WiFi powerup--and begin building cool schtuff with both illustrated and intuitive Kano instruction and game books.
Pledge for your Kano on Kickstarter through December 19, 2013, and find further information on the company's Website below thereafter.
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