Noisy Typer - Typewriter App for Macs

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It's Dude's first (and probably last) Free Typewriter Sound Effects App Wednesday! Designed by artist and lover of C++ Theodore Watson, Noisy Typer is a throwback app for Mac laptops that pays homage to the Mad Men days of open floors full of typewriting secretaries, and corner offices full of cigarettes and Scotch. Clackety-clack sentimentalists can download this piece of software gratis, and relish the classic sounds of depressed letter, spacebar, and backspace keys, as well as the carriage return dings!, and scroll up/down clicks. Check out the video at the end of our writeup for a demo.
Watson used openFrameworks version 0071 to create the Noisy Typer app. It is currently available only for Mac OS X operating systems, and its Zip file and source code are downloadable as open-source software from F.A.T Lab.
For those unfamiliar, two things about F.A.T. Lab. 1) It has the raddest Web address ever. 2) F.A.T. stands for Free Art and Technology, and the organization dedicates itself to upholding the ethos of equal (and usually free) access to cool shit. More specifically, F.A.T. focuses on "enriching the public domain through the research and development of creative technologies and media. Release early, often and with rap music. This is Notorious R&D."