Epic Bloody Mary Tree Branch Garnish Pick

A good day for Sunday brunch, made even better with these Epic Bloody Mary garnish picks. Shaped like trees, the stainless steel cocktail enhancers have 8 skewering branches ready to help you pick every garnish they got at the Bloody Mary bar this morning. Afternoon. Into the evening. Hey, they don't call it Sunday Funday for nothing!
The Tree Brunch cocktail picks come in sets fo 2, and will also go all Mother Nature on the sweet and citrus garnishes in your mimosas and screwdrivers. The skewers' designers suggest mango, kiwi, strawberry, and, for the highly advanced Tree Brunchers, mini waffles.
The Tree Brunch picks are sized for pint glasses, and presumably made stable enough that your meal's worth of garnishes won't topple the whole glass over once tree trimming is complete.
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