Makita Portable Cordless Microwave

- Crockpot Electric Lunch Box - $29.99
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- StirMATE Automatic Pot Stirrer - $67.57
- Electric Lunch Box - $25.98
Makita might be known for power tools, but while the company's new Portable Cordless Microwave Oven looks like a beast, it doesn't bring a whole lot of power to the tool table. With an output of either 350 or 500 watts, the carry-along "oven" is mostly just a warmer for leftovers. Preferably refrigerated or room temp leftovers, too, since frozen meals are going to suck more life out of its pair of 40V batteries.
By comparison, an 800-watt microwave takes 3 minutes to boil water. At the 500-watt setting, the Makita Portable Cordless Microwave would take around 7 minutes.
Still, the brand says its design has the juice to heat up 11 meals and 20 drinks per charge, and if you're stuck on a job site or in a remote area, and really need a hot burrito and some warm milk to get you through the day, the Makita Portable Cordless Microwave is certainly one way to get them.