Reusable Wine Bottle Straws

Reusable Wine Bottle Straws mean you won't get lipstick or pucker marks all over the bottle of 2000 Chateau Lafite-Rothschild when you take a swig before serving it to your the executive retreat dinner you're catering. Or after the initial pours to the high-rollin' 4-top at the restaurant where you work. Just a wee taste for quality control. And because F them for downing a $2,000 bottle of wine when you can hardly afford $1,200 in rent for an apartment you share with 2 other people.
Sorry, dudes and ladies, I didn't set out to make a post about Reusable Wine Bottle Straws so dark and angry. Especially since it's bachelorette and BBQ season, and so many happier applications for these extra-long sippers are at the ready. For the former, might I recommend an extra-long straw inserted into an extra-long bottle of Just the Tipsy Sparkling Wine? And for the latter, avoid potential glass breakage, and opt for a beer or margarita instead of wine, with a Reusable Wine Bottle Straw paired with a 110-ounce Red Party Cup.
The Reusable Wine Bottle Straws come in a glittery pink pack of 6. The set also includes a cleaning brush. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.