Rock Climbing Mugs

According to Climbergoods, these Rock Climbing Mugs are "suitable for expert or novice climbers." And if you're the latter, better hope they're right, because it will be a coffee crotch morning, or tea tittie afternoon if they're not!
Climbergoods makes all of the rock climbing holds they swap in for traditional mug handles, and you'll have a variety of colors, plus a few different styles, to choose from if you get a Rock Climbing Mug for yourself, or gift one to an athlete with the requisite grip strength.
If you love the mug, but don't quite trust yourself with the grip, you could always do some SQUEGG training to build confidence. Conversely, if these Rock Climbing Mugs look like little baby feats of grip strength to you, perhaps you're ready for the Pinch Hold Mug.
Rock Climbing Mugs have 12-ounce capacities, and are sold individually, or in sets of 3.