Mechanical Mouse Jiggler (So They Think You're Working)

Posted: September 18, 2022
Mechanical Mouse Jiggler (So They Think You're Working)
Check It Out

This mechanical mouse jiggler is recommended by 5/5 slackers, underpaid employees, people out of PTO who need some TO, and dudes and ladies with a weird compulsion never to let their computers log off or go to sleep.

A base made to hold most standard-size mice, the mechanical mouse jiggler ensures your mouse stays active on your desktop or laptop even if you are not. According to maker Vaydeer, the sneaky gadget is undetectable by IT departments, so if your company is dictatorial about keeping tabs on its workers' working / non-working habits, your efforts to deceive them won't be discovered. At least not due to workstation cursor silence. However, when you show up at the next meeting with zero work to show for your 8 hours of login time, the mechanical mouse jiggler will be no help at all.

However, this little how-to guide just might.

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