Micro BB Crossbow
Why doesn't my Cubicle Warfare book include a chapter on How to Build a Micro BB Crossbow? Not that I wouldn't get fired for using it at the office. But we've had these "productivity enhancement strategy consultants" skulking around...no, bouncing off the walls...helping us put together a "productivity enhancement strategy" for the past week now. Talk about some blowhards on Adderall. Oh how I would relish the opportunity to unload a few rounds from a palm-sized crossbow into the sides of their venti quad nonfat hazelnut lattes (sugar-free, of course.) The sight of milky brown Starbucks spewing from their cups onto their painfully white $200 Hugo Boss shirts...but, again, I would definitely get fired. And it's so close to the holidays. When I have to shell out for Christmas gifts for my girlfriend and my mama and a bunch of random family members I see only once a year when they come to collect their Christmas gifts...probably not worth it.
Ice Fire Creations hand makes the Micro BB Crossbows to order in their Oklahoma studio. Or maybe in their Oklahoma bathroom. With the Internet and an Etsy storefront, overhead is a thing of the past. In addition to BBs, the fully-functional crossbows are designed to shoot matches, small headless nails, or anything else from your junk draw you can get loaded and aimed. Length is 3.5" and width 3.9".
Muchas danke to Manny for the Dude Product Tip.