Bloody Weapon Pet Halloween Costumes

Bloody Frenchies! Always spooking the kids with their smooshed wrinkly faces, their snorting, their impaled weaponry!
These fake bloody weapons are simple, delightful, fur-friendly, everyone-else-horrifying pet Halloween costumes that even maker Fit Frenchie calls "absolutely cheap thrills!" It takes mere seconds to affix one of the fluid-dripping saws, axes, cleavers, scissors, hammers, or knives to the head or belly of your pooch, which is great because it won't involve a ton of work from you, and therefore ire from your pet. But also not so great because mere seconds is also the amount of time it will take any dog who doesn't want a bloody weapon attached to his or her person to rip it right back off. And notice I'm referring only to dogs as contenders for this pet Halloween costume? Good luck getting one of those horror props anywhere near your cat.
Still, it would be a doggone shame to leave your furball out of your trick-or-treating festivities this year, and while a bloody saw carving through their skull will probably take attention away from the Baby Yoda costume you spent 19 hours sewing for your kid, if your dog is willing to keep the costume on, the effect will leave you with a Howl-oween to remember.