Hringpoki Guitar Pick

Joy Complex calls their Hringpoki Guitar Pick a deliberate effort to create "the most unique guitar pick in the world." And also, they admit with unabashed frankness, "the most expensive." Optionally most expensive, I'd add, as the titanium version of the Hringpoki Pick will indeed run you a hefty $175, but plastic options are available too for $45.
Not that $35 is normally a reasonable price for a guitar pick, but remember, we're talking The Most Unique Guitar Pick in the World! here. Joy Complex collaborated with Ryan Mooney of The Wool Hats String Band to improve upon their original design, coming up with a strummer they say feels and plays as glorious as it looks.
And speaking of looks, the Hringpoki Guitar Pick's punched-circle center is probably the highlight of its uniqueness, as well as what allows the piece to double - both aesthetically and functionally - as a piece of jewelry. Slip it on a keyring or chain, or if you need a gift for a musician, add one of Joy Complex's silk ropes to your order and the Hringpoki Guitar Pick becomes a Hringpoki Guitar Pick Necklace.
In addition to titanium and plastic, the Hringpoki Guitar Pick also comes in aluminum, copper, and bronze.