Neck Carriage Titanium Palm Cap Stick

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Ti Rod Tactical's Titanium Palm Cap Stick might be the most strangely versatile piece of EDC you can hang around your neck. The 5" long x 0.44" in diameter piece is made of an aerospace grade 5 titanium rod, surrounded by a rubber "palm swell" grip on one end and a rubber cap attached to a lanyard on the other. Its applications include:
- Door Knocker. Delivery workers, salesmen, and campaigners can save their knuckles by rapping on doors with a fine nub of titanium.
- Jaw Knocker. Though much shorter than Yawara- and Kubotan-style sticks, Ti Rod Tactical says those forced into self defense can save their knuckles by rapping on heads with a fine nub of titanium.
- Acupressure Stick. Unwind tight and knotted muscles after a long day of door / jaw knocking.
- If the acupressure doesn't work, use the Titanium Palm Cap Stick to crush up your favorite painkillers and dump them into a nice chocolate peanut butter banana milkshake, both of which always make me feel better.
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