Earwax Candle Kit

Here comes the Earwax Candle Kit just when you thought you couldn't find the perfect gift for your mom. I don't know about yours but I know my mama loves candles, and also hates waste, and based on the number of used Q-Tips I saw in the trash growing up, my sense is that she wastes a lot of earwax. Earwax that could be collected, pooled, and transformed into a gorgeous crusty-jar-of-mustard yellow bearer of light and romance.
I bet each candle is naturally scented too. Mmmm
Hold on. Hold your chunks. Don't throw up your Taco Tuesday al pastors quite yet. The Earwax Candle Kit exists only in empty box, clever marketing, and your next gag gift to your friend Cornelius form. Another release in Prank Pack's line of weird, disturbing, ridiculous, awful, and so dang funny for the giver gift boxes, this "kit" contains no more than 11" x 9" x 3" of space for you to fill with whatever you want.
That isn't a wax extraction cap with a tube system for collecting earwax, and an enclosed cylindrical container for housing and building your candle as you go.
But if you can find those things, go ahead and make the prank even more real.
The best part about Prank Packs is that their hilarity doesn't stop with the title and image on the front of the box. This block-a Gotcha! has elaborate descriptions, instructions for use, and photos of happy customers wearing their extraction caps on all 6 sides. The Earwax Candle Kit box will probably end up being more popular with its recipient - and definitely everyone else at the party - than the true gift inside.
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