Galactic Republic Passport
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Many of us used to think travel to and within the Galactic Republic was impossible due to its being make believe. But now we all know the truth that real Star Wars fans have always known: up until 2010, the Intergalactic Identity Management Agency simply hadn't cleared residents of Planet Earth for passports. And, of course, now that all of the appropriate paperwork has been filed, and procedures enacted, both Yoda and Obi-Wan are dead, and Han Solo is married to Ally McBeal! Argh! Typical web of bureaucratic malarkey ruining our lives.
Still, there may be some cool shit lingering in parts of the galaxy controlled by the Galactic Republic, and you'll need a Galactic Republic passport if you want to see any of it. Passports are issued to proven members of humanoid races, as listed in the Unified Register of Racial, and look similar to international travel documents for Planet Earth (and Planet Canada). Books are printed in Galactic Basic, with English translations. Inside covers include a photo of the passport holder, and his or her planet of origin, sex, and governing authority. Dates of birth, issue, and expiration in BBY years are also listed.