Django City Slicker Raincoat for Dogs

Rain in the city, mud on the trail, or sand on the beach. Django says their City Slicker will keep you clean and dry in the face of them all. And by "you" I mean you, Mr. Squiggles. Bella Jane. Luna. Horace. The Django City Slicker is a raincoat for dogs.
Django's water-repellent, windproof design is suitable for all seasons, be it the April showers of right now, the summer monsoons on their way, or the snowy winter that will be here again before you know it. Ugh, winter is coming. I don't even live in Westeros and the thought is still a buzzkill.
In addition to suiting your pup up for rain and wind, you can put him in a City Slicker before outdoor adventures that will be muddy or sandy. Made of a nylon outer shell and interior sport mesh cotton, the lightweight doggo jacket is a full-on thwarter of the elements. Dual reflective piping also keeps pups well lit when out at night.
Django City Slickers come in sizes XSmall, Small, and Medium. Check out the raincoats' listing for information on measurements and dog breeds each size is most suitable for. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.