Attack on Titan Super Hard Blade iPhone Case
It's always interesting when and which Japanese manga and anime cross over into mainstream Western culture. Here it's even more interesting that a piece of Japanese manga/anime has crossed over into real life. And even if you don't know WTF Attack on Titan is, this iPhone case's design might be swell enough to transcend any necessary context. Uh, just be careful where you flash the pistol grip-looking end of it.
A re-imagination of one of the weapons used in the human heroes vs. gargantuan, blood-hungry humanoids series, the Attack on Titan Super Hard Blade case latches cooly onto an iPhone 5/5S. Though it's missing the detachable sword/money end of the weapon--and vendor Strapya World reminds us repeatedly that a super hard blade cannot be installed--the blade hilt still makes for an incomparable phone holster.
You can pull the case's lever to open your phone's camera cover, though use of the iPhone camera flash is not possible with the case in place. It also needs to be removed for phone charging on a cradle. Attack on Titan Super Hard Blade cases do maintain access to power and volume buttons, plus connector and earphone jacks. And again, you cannot install the super hard blade. For visual learners, there is also an illustration of this sad reality in the photo series above.