iPlunge Phone Stand
There is not a doubt in my mind that this is made for guys who masturbate while watching porn on their iPhones. And why not?
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Mutator Global iPhone Silencer
People seem to love their iPhones. Almost as much as they seem to love to bitch about them. Damn autocorrect, good-for-nothing maps, battery life of a gallon of mocha almond fudge in the hands of pregnant woman, innate...
Trigger iPhone Case
This Trigger iPhone 5 case looks heavy. Like I'll either develop a disproportionately muscular right arm from lifting and holding it to my ear, or I'll finally succumb to one of those GD earpieces I hate so much* because...
Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard
Fat-fingered iPad and iPhone users rejoice! Celluon's EPIC Laser Virtual Keyboard, a 63-key QWERTY holograph, projects at full size onto any flat surface, lessening the tediousness of mobile texting and emailing, and...
iWatch 2
It's sleek, it's svelte, and it will make your wrist look a mile long. It even redefines the concept of little black box with its glide-to-reveal top lid. The iWatch 2 has all of the classic features of the iWatch: WiFi...
Liquipel - Waterproof Your iPhone
As phones get smaller and smaller and cases for these tiny phones get bigger and bigger, we still have one threat to our precious 21st century life support. And that threat is water. H2O. The deadliest substance known...
FLASHr iPhone Notification Case
FLASHr debuts on Kickstarter as New Orleans boys Trey DeArk and Terence Green's slick reappropriation of the iPhone's built-in LED camera flash and iOS' "LED Flash Alerts". A 3-part, multi-colored case, FLASHr intertwines...
Cactus Toilet Plunger & Brush Set
The unsung heroes of Christmas: toilet plungers and brushes. After all the Christmas morning casseroles and spiked coffees, Christmas Day cookies and eggnog, Christmas dinner hams and ambrosia salads, and Christmas dessert...
DRAS Foldable Smartphone Concept
You can't buy a DRAS foldable smartphone yet, but the flexible touchscreen technology it uses is at least a little more than just a pipe dream. DRAS stands for Digital Resistive Area Sensing, and it's a real system in...
Yondr Phone-Locking Pouch
I recently bought tickets to see Aziz Ansari and got a Yondr notice. Actually, more than a Yondr notice - this disclaimer covered tickets withheld until a couple weeks before the show date, and zero tolerance on late...
Stowaway Tools
Klecker Knives adds to its arsenal of handiness, previously populated by the KLAX Multi-Tool Axe Head and kiddo how-to Trigger Knife Kit, with Stowaway Tools. The line of slip-in / slide-out implement
Toilet Sword Better-Than-a-Plunger Drain Snake
Toilet Sword, you have my attention. For your sword-y design, of course. For your self-description as "revolutionary." And most of all, for your claim that you are better than a plunger, because, as my post-Loaded Chili...