Mobile Device Seat-back Mount
The only redeeming qualities of being on an airplane are that I can guiltlessly spend 3 to 9 hours doing nothing but eating, getting drunk, and watching full seasons of Battlestar Galactica. However, this is also problematic in that since the airlines make every interior component of their jets hobbit-sized, I can never do all of these things at once. There's no room to enjoy a hummus and cheese bistro box and continue watching Season 2, episode 8, "Final Cut." Or rather, there wasn't. Not until the advent of 21st century travel gladiator tools such as the Skyview seat-back mount for mobile devices.
This handsfree travel viewer from Griffin Technology was designed to clip over and into the latch of almost any airplane's seat-back tray table (plus serve as a stand on top the tray table). Its cradle holds a variety of media players, smartphones, tablets, e-readers, or any portable device up to 5-1/4" x 8", and between 4" and 5-1/4" deep. So I can eat, drink, and be merrily sucked into a trance of TV shows and movies all at the same time. No pausing, no shuffling, no contorting, no sleep 'til Brooklyn!
Skyview adapts to many bus and train seat-backs as well.
Muchas danke to Bryan M. for the Dude Product Tip. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.