Morph Fire Paintball Gun Converter

Posted: January 17, 2014
Morph Fire Paintball Gun Converter
$159.99 - $175.99
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This isn't a toy: it's power incarnate. That's how the guys at Morph Fire feel about their 656 converter packs, which turn paintball guns into 600 fps, 6mm BB guns. Coincidentally, it's also how I feel about my pitching arm, and what I remind children who ask me to swing them around or throw them in the pool.

In 60 seconds or less, Morph Fire converters attach to many models of Planet Eclipse or Spyder paintball guns to produce a crossbreed capable of loading and firing 260 BBs before a comparable full-blood BB gun can load once.

656 packs contain converters forged from long-strand glass-infused urethane durable enough to sustain both extreme heat and cold weather conditions. They work with nitrogen, CO2, or compressed air. In addition to the Morph Fire, standard sets include a carrying case, one 260-round magazine, a wrench, a starter pack of 6mm metal BBs (glass or plastic also fly), and a safety/owner's manual. Deluxe editions add another magazine and a set of custom quad rails for mounting lights, lasers, optics, and other tactical gear.

Note that Morph Fire (and Uncle Ben) would like to remind us all that With great power comes great responsibility. Their conversion kits produce BB guns twice as powerful as 300 fps models, which means you cannot use them to shoot your friend Cornelius. Or your enemies. Or your enemies who are cats. Even if they are wearing battle armor. And I think it goes without saying that all tricked out Morph Fire guns should be kept away from children, particularly those named Ralphie Parker. Further safe usage information can be found here.

Morph Fire adapts to the following Planet Eclipse paintball gun models: EGO 06, EGO 7, EGO 8, EGO 9, EGO Ten, EGO 11, EGO LV1; ETEK, ETEK2, ETEK3, ETEK4; SL74, SL8R, SL94, SLS, CSL. The Spyder version also fits the 2008 or newer Spyder Fenix, Electra, Pilot, Sonix, Xtra, and Victor.

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