Giveaway: Giving & Greed Mystery Box

Giving & Greed Mystery Box Giveaway Winner: Congratulations to Brandon B. of Greenvill, SC, winner of the Giving & Greed Mystery Box. Thanks to all entrants, and be sure to check the Dude homepage or Dude Giveaways section for your chance to enter our latest prize drawing.
This giveaway concluded on December 9, 2018.
Giving & Greed Mystery Box Giveaway
Some for you, some for me. Not necessarily equal parts since I usually prefer the scales tipped towards me, but enter to win Dude's Giving & Greed Mystery Box, and I promise it will be all about you this time. Take care of your holiday shopping and holiday self-indulgence with $300+ of spoils selected and delivered to your door for 0% effort on your part.
This giveaway is open to US residents only.
About the Giving & Greed Mystery Box
We can't tell you what's inside, but we can tell you this Mystery Box is stocked with Dudeworthy products specifically chosen to serve as the perfect holiday gift for that someone special in your life. Even if that someone special is you. We can also tell you the total prize retail value is over $300.
The Giving & Greed Mystery Box Giveaway Entry Instructions
To register, click here and fill out The Giving & Greed Mystery Box Giveaway entry form. Or, if you're already a member of, when the magic entry form button appears, just click it to enter.
Giveaway prize includes $300+ worth of products, most of which have previously been featured on
The Giving & Greed Mystery Box Giveaway entry period is open through 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, December 9, 2018. Our drawn winner will be contacted by email within 48 hours of the entry period's conclusion, and will have 12 hours to respond and claim his/her prize. (Should we not hear back from a drawn winner in the specified time period, a new winner will be drawn and contacted.)
Winner should allow up to 2 weeks for mystery box delivery, but it will probably be there by Christmas. Probably.
Once winners are drawn and confirmed, they will be announced below.
This giveaway is open to US residents only.
Dude Giveaway Vendor Participation
Are you an online retailer with a Dudeworthy product you'd like to grace upon our readers? Consider a Dude Giveaway partnership! Click here for details on prerequisites, giveaway procedures, and our contact information.