Bath Spaghetti Body Wash

It's spaghetti so good you want to smear it all over your body and bathe in it. Just like your Italian grandma used to make. Even better, you can indulge in Bath Spaghetti calorie- and marinara-stain-free! Both your insides and outsides will come out the other side cleaner than they started!
Bath Spaghetti is a handmade body wash from We Are Paper Plane. The soap noodles are 100% natural and vegan, made of coconut and olive oils, and shea butter. The bad news for some, but probably good news for most, is that rather than pasta and red sauce with a dusting of Parmesan, Bath Spaghetti smells like grapefruit and orange essential oils. The noods get their tomato-tinged hue from paprika fruit powder.
Bath Spaghetti comes in a can covered in a label as bright and fun as the contents themselves. A great gift for a kid or foodie.